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Senin, 30 November 2009
Why People Purchase Puppies From Pet Shops
By Glory Borgeson
Dog breeders know their dogs and puppies are superior to any others you can find. And they will tell you so. They say their dogs are healthier and their dogs develop a smaller percentage of defects over time.
When you ask breeders about puppies at pet shops, they nearly choke from trying too hard to get their words out. They will tell you that pet shop puppies are often bred in a "puppy mill" by uncaring owners. The pups at pet shops often have illnesses and develop defects. You can't meet the parent dogs when you purchase from a pet shop, so you don't really know how big the puppy will get or the temperament of the parents.
These are all really good points. Very convincing. So after hearing all of these persuasive arguments, why do people still purchase puppies at pet shops?
After speaking with many breeders, people who've purchased puppies from breeders, people who've purchased puppies from pet shops, and my own experience purchasing a puppy (and looking into a second purchase), I can tell you it's because the pet shop owners are easy to do business with.
Have you ever heard that phrase, "easy to do business with"? It's an old customer service banner, so to speak, and some people just use its acronym: ETDBW.
And I can tell you from experience that many dog breeders are not easy to do business with.
People like to do business with people they like, with people who make it easy to work with them.
The breeder I purchased my puppy from several years ago was the exception to the rule. She was great on the phone, sent me pictures by e-mail of puppies, was clear about the litters she had, the litters she was expecting, how many females were still available in each litter, the date on which they would be ready to pick up, how she reserved a puppy for a new owner, and how she accepted a deposit and final payment. (Sadly, I have been unable to contact her for a while.)
Other than that breeder, though, I spoke to several others who were gruff on the phone, didn't return my phone call timely, and were basically pains-in-the-neck to deal with.
The last time I spoke to a breeder more recently, while I was in the middle of a question or statement, she started speaking over me (she did this several times). She was not clear about how she reserved a puppy. After listening to her, I repeated back to her what I thought she was saying, and then she would change what she said.
The bottom line becomes: Life is too short to deal with people who are difficult to do business with.
On the contrary, pet shop owners are usually easy to do business with. So even though their puppies may come from "puppy mills," you can't "meet the parents," and the health of your puppy may be more precarious coming from a pet shop, people like to do business with people who are nice.
It all boils down to good customer service.
Are you a dog breeder? Do you know someone who is a dog breeder? Please share this article with them. If you want people to purchase puppies from dog breeders, all of you (as a group) need to change how you do business. Until then, people will buy from the people who are nicest to them and who create a pleasant buying experience.
Jumat, 27 November 2009
Pets for Christmas Gifts? Let's Talk
By Deborah Sheehy
There are heart-warming stories to heart breaking tales of people and pets. As I contemplated what I would say about the subject of Christmas and pets, I had mixed emotions about this whole great big mess (we as people) have created with animals. Bottom line is that there are way too many human beings (and I use that word lightly), who treat animals as though they are toys... an amusement for the moment... something disposable. So my goal is to attempt to get you to think about the risks, dangers, responsibilities and commitment in owning animals.
Christmas is coming and I can hear little puppies being put in boxes to surprise little Bobbie and Sally on Christmas morning only to find the dog dehydrated, beaten up a bit and tossed out into the back yard just days or even hours after it's arrival. You see, puppies are cute but do you understand the damage they can produce in a home? Are you prepared for all the trials that a new puppy can create? If not, I'm begging you NOT to bring home any animals for Christmas presents! As a matter of fact, many rescue missions won't allow adoptions during this time of year because most purchases of animals during Christmas result in returns.
Pet stores will tell you whatever you want to hear to get you to buy, buy, buy. But if you only knew the background on how the majority of those animals are bred and cared for before reaching your local pet shops, you'd drop down and faint. But we really don't want to hear it do we? We'd rather 'think' that all is well in the pet business and that nothing is rotting behind the scenes. In some cases you'd be right. But in the majority, you'll find breeding mills with cages stacked high, with no lights, no love and no medical attention. You'll find these mills behind tall privacy fences so no one can see, and located far away from populated areas so no one can hear. Then there's transportation to your local pet shop... They're crammed into large, hot, sometimes unventilated containers and carted around to meet the needs of consumers. Don't think for a moment that the animal you've bought has been treated with tender loving care from the moment it was born. When you buy from pet stores, you become part of the problem.
I encourage you to avoid pets for Christmas presents. Even if you can find an agency willing to allow adoptions, do yourself a favor and don't baulk at the requirements of the adoption agency. Be thankful they care enough for their pets that they want to make sure you understand all the implications of bringing an animal into your home. Pet stores don't care if you know what you're getting in to. They simply look at their bottom line, where as rescue missions first and only priority is the welfare of the animals. They've seen the abuse and neglect these animals have had to endure and now they are protecting them against future stress. Just please contemplate the idea of giving animals for presents... and be sure you're up for the commitment.
Rabu, 25 November 2009
How to Make a Smooth Move With Your Pet - Moving With Exotic Pets
By Alex Kayarzan
A lot is written how to move with dogs, cats or even fish. But what if your beloved ones are far more exotic and unusual than other people's pets, don't they need some special and accordingly unusual care during the move? If you are the lucky owner of, say, a snake or a hamster here are few suggestion for your smooth with them:
The first thing to remember when moving reptiles is to keep them moist. It can be achieved by putting a damp blanket inside a moving container for your pet. Reptiles can be packed in boxes, venomous snakes should be be double boxed. Make holes in boxes to maintain good ventilation during the move. Make the inside of the box soft for your pet by putting their foam panels, crumpled paper and pieces of cloth. Mark the box with both common and scientific names of your reptile. Be sure to write "live cargo", "this side up" and "keep at room temperature ( 70-75F)" if you'll be shipping your pet. The main danger of shipping your pet reptile is changes of temperature; a reptile can't survive in too cold or too hot surroundings and it's hardly avoidable during the move.
One of the convenient ways to move your reptile long distance is by overnight postal service, though USPS won't guarantee live delivery; they might be only liable if the box in which you were moving your pet would have been damaged, but if your beloved one baked or freezed to death you would get nothing. This method of shipping is very common for moving turtles in cushioned, insolated boxes with air holes. Nowadays, moving reptiles by airlines has become difficult due to people who were careless for shipping regulations and caused numerous accidents with their pets. Delta Dash (Delta Airline's priority cargo service) and American Airline's Priority Parcel service used to accept reptiles properly packed and clearly labelled. When moving your reptile by car don't leave it alone overnight, always take it into motel where you'll be stopping, if its pet friendly, of course, to soak your pet in a bath.
When moving small mammals like mice, gerbils, guinea pigs and hamsters, it's better to use their normal container and move them in your car. Take the water and food out of their container and use rest areas to water and feed your pets. Maintain comfortable temperature - don't park the car in the sunlight; remember whatever temperature is comfortable for you is comfortable for your beloved ones.
You also can ship your exotic pets abroad, provided they are not listed in CITES. You will need to fill out US Fish & Wildlife certificate before shipping your pets. You'll also need to provide the list of animals you're shipping with their common and scientific names and mark it on the shipping container. Also you'' need to contact your airline, that transports animals, for example Delta, to find out the procedures they demand. And make sure your pets pass Wildlife Inspection Port. Provided you took care of everything mentioned above check if the state you are moving to requires Health Certificates, Import Certificates or Value Added Tax and should they be ffixed to a pet carrier. It especially concerns countries of EU which have very strict regulations for incoming animals.
Selasa, 24 November 2009
How To Choose Boarding Kennels For Your Dog
By Abigail Smith
Summer is fast approaching, holidays are eagerly being booked and for many that means finding suitable arrangements for pets. Having peace of mind that your animal is being well cared for whilst you are away will ensure that you are really able to relax.
Home boarding is the preferable way to have your dog cared for whilst you are away as it entails a one to one type of care in a home from home environment. Your dog will stay in a carer’s home getting individual care and being treated like one of the family. The advantages of Home Boarding for your dog as opposed to using Boarding Kennels are obvious- not least that your dog won't have to be confined, nor will he suffer from kennel stress. A home environment is cleaner and healthier than a kennel and there is far less chance of your dog contracting kennel cough or other dog to dog transmissible diseases.
However, Home Boarders fill up quickly and for many the summer is already fully booked. This may mean choosing a boarding kennel instead; through this article, we hope to guide you through this process. Further information on pet boarding of all kinds can be found on
A boarding kennel environment is very different to your home and factors such as: lots of dogs barking, unfamiliar smells, lack of human contact and a change of routine/lack of exercise and stimulation could potentially mean a stressful experience for your dog. From an animal welfare perspective, it is important to be aware that it is impossible for most boarding kennels to provide a suitable environment for all dogs. Very young or elderly dogs, nervous or timid dogs, dogs on medication or with disabilities (deafness, blindness, or physical disabilities), or very active dogs will not cope well with most kennel environments and it is recommended by dog welfare organisations that other types of boarding are sought for these dogs.
Construction of dog boarding establishments vary from the basic concrete and steel cages with outdoor runs, to the more modern UPVC kennel rooms with under floor heating etc. Whilst it is re-assuring to see a modern building facility, the care behind the scenes is more critical. It is extremely important that you feel confident that the staff managing the kennels enjoy being with the dogs. It is crucial that they are well trained, caring and capable and most importantly that they have adequate time to dedicate to the dogs in their care.
Visit the kennels before making a booking for your peace of mind and for the sake of your dog's welfare. Most well run kennels won't be too strict on what times you can visit and this can often be a sign of a kennel business that has nothing to hide - as opposed to a kennels that insists you only visit by appointment. The quality of kennel accommodation and degree of care varies considerably and there is no way of truly assessing the type of accommodation without paying a visit. Visiting will give you the opportunity of meeting the kennel owners or hands on staff and finding out more about how the kennels are managed.
Confining a dog in a kennel is a frightening and unpleasant experience for most dogs and for others a boring one. It is therefore important that your dog is given as much stimulation and exercise as possible whilst boarding at the kennels.
The most reliable way of choosing a kennel is by word of mouth. Some pointers that we recommend you look for or ask about when visiting a kennel are as follows:
• Ask about staff ratios; if there are few staff and a lot of dogs, this may mean that your dog will not receive one-to-one attention. Keeping kennels cleaned, dogs fed, watered and exercised is very time consuming. Ideally there should be a maximum ratio of one full time staff member to seven dogs to ensure that your dog gets some attention during the day. You should feel confident that the staff are caring and that your dog will be treated as if one of their own.
• A well managed kennel establishment should not be very noisy. This occurs when a place has too many dogs or too few staff. When you first enter the kennel area, there will probably be a lot of barking but if the dogs are receiving adequate exercise and stimulation the noise should quieten down within a few minutes. If the barking is persistent, this can often be a sign that the dogs are frustrated and are not getting what they need - this type of environment is extremely stressful for dogs, so if possible avoid leaving your dog in a very noisy kennel.
• The kennels should be well aired and dry. The area should not smell of disinfectant, nor should it smell foul. There should be adequate staff to ensure that the kennels are well cleaned on a daily basis. If the dogs are getting out enough, they will not have to regularly use their kennel area as a toilet - piles of faeces or urine can be a sign that the dogs are not getting out or that there are not enough staff. This is not only unpleasant but it is a potential health risk for dogs as disease is easily transmitted through urine and faeces. Whilst the kennels should not smell foul, a strong smell of disinfectant is not a good sign either. As dog's noses are highly sensitive, disinfectant that is very strong or undiluted can be unpleasant and sometimes cause distress to dogs particularly as they will be lying on or near to the floor.
• It is a good idea to leave contact details for someone who you trust to make decisions about your animal on your behalf should you not be contactable in an emergency. Alternatively, let your vet know that you are boarding your dog and inform them of how far your wish treatments to go should your animal become ill.
• Enquire about feeding and play routines and as to whether there are any extra services on offer, e.g. grooming, massage, and swimming – if these are available, it is worth booking in a few treatments for your dog as these can go a long way towards curing boredom.
• There should be at least one and preferably two staff members on site overnight to provide security and to care for the dogs should there be an emergency
• Enquire about the exercising of dogs. Where are they exercised, how often are they taken out, at what time, for how long. Work it out yourself – are the answers you are given possible with the number of staff employed?
• Look at the kennel size and assess as to whether the area constantly maintained at a comfortable temperature (i.e. similar to what your dog would be used to at home), are there high standards of cleanliness; how frequently is the kennel cleaned or bedding changed.
• Ask which veterinary practice the kennel uses and make sure your dog is fully insured. If your dog is kennelled, you will need to ensure that he is fully vaccinated and you may need to provide proof in the form of a vaccination certificate.
• Request that you take your dog to his kennel rather than handing him over in the reception area. This will give you the opportunity to ensure that he is comfortable and well settled before you go.
• It is important that your pet is easily identifiable – you could consider purchasing a collar with your pet’s details permanently personalised on it. Ensure your dog is kept comfortable by taking along the right type of bedding as this will help him feel more secure and settled from the start of his stay.
• Ask if staff will have time to play with your dog or ensure he is given toys during the day. Ideally your dog will be fed the same food that he is used to at home and this should help him to settle. It may be beneficial to you and your dog to have a trial run for a night or two in the kennels. This is a worthwhile expense as it will provide peace of mind if you are boarding for the first time to know if your dog will settle. Arrange for this in advance of your holiday as if your dog is really unhappy or do not settle you will have time to try others before going away
• If your dog requires regular grooming, enquire if this will be maintained whilst he is in kennels or ask if this could be done daily as an extra – for which you will probably need to pay – however, this is money well spent as your dog will be sure of some extra attention.
• If you are boarding two or more dogs who are used to each other's company, ask that they be paired up in the same kennel if possible as this will provide them with company and re-assurance during their stay.
• Ask for references and check them out.
Be sure to book the boarding kennels as far in advance as possible to avoid having to settle for anything less than the best accommodation and care for your companion animal whilst you are away. Happy holidays!
How to Care For Pet Birds
By Sandro Burns
If you are the proud owner of a pet bird you already know how nicely they fit into your family. If you have kids, they most probably adore your birds and take every possible measure to play with their little friends. But pet birds shouldn't be handled roughly, they require attention, care and love from your whole family and the more you learn about these amazing animals, the better you can enjoy them.
Before you select a bird at the pet shop or the breeder, be sure you understand what is expected from you for the bird you select. If you are short of space at home you should think twice about buying a large parrot for example.
Also factor in your needs in regards to the time you can invest in your bird. Cockatiels for example are very good mates to humans and they don't go well with being left alone for long spells of time. They love interaction and are ideal for people who love the idea of having a bird sit on their shoulder all day long. If space is indeed an issue, choose a smaller bird, like a budgie or a finch instead.
For those of you who enjoy big birds, make sure you have ample space available for the new family member. Buy a bird cage that is big enough so your bird has ample room to play. The last thing you wan is for your bird to become depressed and lonely because nobody ever plays with him.
Pet birds love to be taken out of their cages, especially if they are hand raised which is another important point to consider. Always choose a hand raised bird over one that is not. You will grow a lot closer to them and it is easy to handle them with your hands, plus it is more fun.
You will also need to learn how to handle the bird accordingly. Resist to grab your bird just like that. They deserve your respect and even though they love to be petted and stroked, they are not always ready for it. They too love their space and time out - just like us humans.You will soon learn to see your bird's daily rhythm and adjust to it accordingly.One of the most important aspects of bird care is their food. Learn about foods that are safe and those that are not - it could save your bird's life. Some food is toxic and so are most house plants.
It always helps to talk to an experienced pet bird owner to learn what is right for them.
If you want to train your bird, I suggest you arm yourself with tools that can teach you to train your bird. Some birds don't take lightly to being trained and they need special attention from you. If your bird tends to scream or bite a lot, he might have been terribly neglected or abused in the past. It is possible to work with these birds with a lot of love and patience on your behalf.
There is a wide range of training tools available in the pet bird market these days. Choose from training videos, books, eBooks and more to learn about your bird's behavior.It doesn't take a degree to care for your pet bird in a humane and loving way. All it takes is a bit of patience and time.
Minggu, 22 November 2009
How to Find All Natural Pet Products
By Hanna Roberts
To some people, a pet is just as precious as a child. Caring for your pet is very important, and so is giving them the right food. Good food and the right pet products can help you pet stay healthy and fit.
Pet nutrition in our industry plays a big role in our society although not all people recognize this. Most consumers think that buying pet products such as canned foods are just equivalent to the meat that you can feed them everyday. They are mistaken. They also think that the canned foods only contain toxins and preservatives which can harm the pet’s health one day. More of them also think that they only aim to keep it expensive. In the early 1980s, Stuart Berger, MD, claimed that soy is among the seven top allergens. Soy is a substance that causes allergic reactions in pets.
If you want to give your dog natural, healthy food, but you don’t have enough time to prepare raw meals for your pet, you can buy some of the food products such as those ready-to-eat freeze dried and frozen materials or raw meals. Your pets will love this kind of raw food. If you can’t feed him with a bone, this can be a substitute. These food products are very special that they have food supplements.
One of the options to feeding pet’s raw food is Life's Abundance, which is a natural kibble pet food for your dogs and cats. The Life's Abundance chicken meal is made from the best chickens raised without using steroids or hormones. It contains only natural, nutritious ingredients and is nutrient dense with the important vitamins, fats, minerals and fatty acids which are important for the best health of your dog or cat. It is free from ingredients such as wheat, corn, dairy, artificial colors or flavors the by-products.
Dr. Jane Bicks, have challenged the need to increase diseases and poor health in our pets. She has developed Daily Nutritional Systems which aims to provide the right nutrition for your dogs and cats. She stated that we do all possible steps and actions to keep our body healthy. If that is so, we also need to take good care of our pets. Now, a high quality rich diet can help them keep up a healthy body and condition.
If you are looking for all natural health pet products, they can be found in the local pet shops. You can visit the nearest pet shops near you and you can ask a specialist to help you choose and be informed of the right dosage. Sometimes, some foods are not appropriate to the pets that you have. You need assistance in choosing.
If you are not satisfied with your search, you can look for the pet products online. It is very easy to look for pet products online. This saves your time and you will see a lot of products that you can choose from. Don’t risk your pet’s health because you are responsible for them.
Pet Grooming Business
By Randy Wilson
Do you like animals? Would you like to work for yourself? Pet grooming could be the career for you.
This business is more than just washing dogs. It can include cleaning ears, trimming nails, brushing teeth, and shaving the animal's coat in stylish ways. The animal can be a dog, cat, pig or other type of animal.
With an animal grooming business, the choice is yours. You can have the clients drop their animals at our house or you can start a mobile business. The options are limitless.
Starting this business does not require that you become certified. Research different dog grooming schools in your area, and choose one that fits your needs. Try to find one that offers pet grooming business management classes with the actual pet grooming classes.
Once you are trained, or while you are in training, you should start to create a pet grooming business plan. Since you will incur some start up costs for your training, licenses, insurance, and equipment, having a business plan can help you obtain a loan to get started.
It is estimated that the industry will grow over 10% in the next five years. This means that your grooming business will likely grow quickly as long as you are professional at all times. This also means that you will have to complete some office work daily as well. Owning an animal grooming business is not just animal grooming.
Pricing can be difficult to determine, but a few phone calls to local grooming salons, or individuals who perform grooming, will give you and idea regarding what services you should be providing and an estimation of the fees. You will need also to decide if you business will be just for dogs or if you will groom other pets too.
Because your business is client oriented, you will need to build a clientele list. The best way to do this is to get your name into your community. You can place flyers at pet stores and veterinarian offices, and animal shelters. You can create a press release for local newspapers and radio stations. You can even offer your services to the local animal shelter. If they like your work, they will refer people to you.
To keep on top of trends you should plan to attend local dog and cat shows, and go to pet grooming industry expos, and conventions. You should subscribe to industry magazines as well, and check the internet frequently. It is a font of knowledge and there are web sites, such as that are there to help people start their business, obtain training, and calendars of events.
Since you are working for yourself, you have to rely on your ability to keep customers happy. This means always being available for set appointments, maintaining a clean work area, and being professional at all times. Even though you work from home, or out of a van, professionalism keeps your clients coming to you and not another pet grooming business.
There are many ways to get into this industry. You can purchase a franchise, which give you the credibility of an established name. You can purchase a local pet grooming business that is currently for sale. Of course, you can start your own grooming business.
You should check with your local government for any zoning, licensure, and insurance requirements for your business. This is very important and could be the difference of your grooming business succeeding or failing. A dog grooming business is still a business no mater how much fun you have doing it.
Sabtu, 21 November 2009
Dog Kennel and Dog Care
By Simon Oldmann
A dog-boarding kennel is a safe and secure place for your pet to stay while you are on vacation or at times when you may not be able to have your pet with you. One of the best benefits of having your pet in a boarding kennel as opposed to leaving your pet with family and friends is that you know your pet will be kept safe, secure and well looked after by the kennel owners and staff. The best boarding kennels fill up quickly over the holidays and at favorite vacationing times. If you intend to go away at this time, make sure that you book your pet into the facility as early as possible.
Putting your dog into a boarding kennel will provide you with the peace of mind that you need in order to enjoy your vacation. A professional facility will provide around the clock care of your pet. The employees will be well trained and have experience in detecting the signs of distress or illness in your pet. There will usually be a vet either on premises or on call at the boarding kennel at all times.
Most of the time, a boarding kennel facility will be a member of the boarding kennel association. This means that the facility has been provided with proper training and direction and will adhere to strict guidelines in the quality care of your pet. A qualified and professional center will provide you with a tour of the facility and provide information about the care of your pet including the type of food it will be given and how often it will be exercised.
If you have special needs or your pet needs to be given medication, the staff at the boarding kennel will be able to provide this for your pet. You should make sure that the boarding kennel that you are thinking using is well ventilated, clean and comfortable for your pet. You ensure this easily by going to visit the boarding kennel and taking a tour of the facility. It will help ease your mind if you visit the boarding kennel and meet the people who will be taking care of your pet. This is a great time to ask any questions and express any concerns that you have about leaving your pet while on vacation.
Many boarding kennels will require that you bring proof of your pet’s immunization history and have your pet come to the center free of fleas and ticks. This is in the best interest of both you and your pet as you will know that the other pets in the facility are clean and free of parasites and disease.
Prices for boarding are quite reasonable and usually start as low as $12 per day. Luxury suites will be more expensive. There are many kennels that provide discounts for long term boarding. When leaving your pet at a boarding kennel it is a good idea to make your farewell quick and formal. This will reduce the amount of stress that your pet will suffer after you leave.
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Kamis, 19 November 2009
Pet Smart - A Heavenly Milieu For Your Pets
By Paul Kramer
If you have not heard of Pet Smart here is long story about them and their wonderful service to the animal kingdom. This name was coined as a pun since it means both as pet smart and pets' mart. They are engaged successfully in the supplies and services such as grooming, training and they also offer boarding facilities for dogs and cats at their pet's hotel and Doggie Day Care.
They produce a variety of products such as food, beds, grooming products and accessories, fish tanks, aquariums, gravel, filter, heaters, cages for birds, bird and fish feed etc.
You may also find a wide variety of pets here for you to choose according to your interest and taste. Their experts offer you lot of suggestions on your queries about pets and their needs. Here the veterinarians are always at your service and they treat your favorite tenderly, carefully and relieve them of their health problems.
Pet Smart has helped the stray pets to find proper homes and families which would take care of them and also nurture them. They provide all the details of these adopted animals to their new masters. They keep constant following up regarding the growth and care of these adopted animals.
Pet Smart provides proper training to your sweetheart which will make it well behaved and highly disciplined. Their team work is the main great source of their grand success since many years. They offer you books with lot of information and other useful tips for the maintenance of your pets.
Visit them once and you are sure to become highly knowledgeable about your pets' care, health, grooming and other factors. At the pets hotel and Doggie Day Care your darlings will enjoy having lot of fun, mingling with other dogs or cats. They will experience the luxurious facilities of the pet's hotel which is going to be a heavenly place for them.
buy pets,
dog adoption,
Luxury pets,
pet services,
pet smart,
Pets Price,
pets product
Rabu, 18 November 2009
Pet Stores
By Jason Gluckman
The best gift you could give to anyone - or to yourself - is a pet. Pets not only keep you company and keep you amused -- they also manage to bring out your tender and loving side.
And the first step to finding your perfect pet is to visit a pet store. Be very selective, though, because not all pet stores can give you the service and support you need. Below are the features you should look for:
A clean, odor-free and spacious facility. Never buy from pet stores that 'overcrowd' their pets. You want to buy animals that were raised in a healthy, hygienic and roomy facility to make sure that they do not carry any diseases.
A large, well stocked supply of items that pets (and pet owners) need. Look for a pet store that is a one-stop-shop. You want to step in there are be able to buy everything you need, from pet food to leashes to anti-flea powders. The store should likewise have a consumer-oriented return policy on supplies, and provide a good 'warranty' on pets.
Convenient location and business hours. For someone with a very busy schedule, these considerations are very important. Is the store still open when you get off work and during weekends? Is it located near where you live, or is at least on the way from where you work? You need a pet store that you can easily get to in case of pet emergencies.
Veterinary care whenever possible. The pet store does not need to have an in-house veterinarian (although that would be a plus), but it should at least have affiliations with local vets so that it can easily refer your pet when it needs medical assistance.
Just a reminder: Remember that it is very easy to buy a pet. But buying a pet is one thing, and raising it in your home as part of your family is another. Be sure that you are buying a pet for the right reasons.
Selasa, 17 November 2009
For Sale by Owner Tips
By wade young
Provide the buyer a list of closing costs.
You would be surprised at how many deals fall through because buyers fail to factor in settlement costs. Many times the buyer simply does not have enough cash to close, even though they badly want the house. A good mortgage broker will be happy to provide an estimated list of settlement costs that you can show to prospective buyers.
Do not forget about repairs arising after inspection.
Allow for the cost of repairs that might be required after inspections. The kitchen sink or garage door opener might fail inspection, for example. These repairs would have to be made by the seller prior to closing.
Consider paying the buyer's closing costs.
Instead of accepting an offer that is less than your asking price, consider offering to pay some of the buyer's closing costs instead. If the buyer is tight on cash, paying some of the buyer's closing costs could make the deal go through.
Consider paying "points" for the buyer.
Instead of negotiating on asking price, consider paying "points" for the buyer instead. One "point" is one percent of the loan paid to reduce the borrower's interest rate. Seller-paid points are tax-deductible for the buyer, so the buyer hits a double by getting a lower interest rate and snagging a tax deduction. Buying down the buyer's interest rate can be of more benefit than simply paying the buyer's closings costs. If you pay $5,500 towards the buyer's closing costs, the buyer benefits by exactly $5,500. But if you take that same $5,500 and buy down the buyer's interest rate (from 6% to 5.375%, for example), let's ballpark how much the borrower would benefit. Assuming the borrower kept the loan for 7 years, the savings benefit on a $250,000 loan with a 30-year term would be in the neighborhood of $11,000! And that does not include the fact that the points are tax deductible for the buyer.
Every dollar counts.
You would not believe it, but sometimes hundreds of dollars can make or break a deal. There are a lot of sellers who have walked away from negotiations when they were so very close to striking a deal. Listen carefully and ask a lot of questions to find out what the buyer really needs to make the deal work.
Consider getting a professional appraisal.
Any realtor will tell you that it is better to price a house right the first time rather than lowering the price later on. A new house for sale generates attention from potential buyers, but those buyers will look and move on if the price is too high. Those potential buyers might not return for a second look after you lower the price. Under pricing a house (even by just a little bit) could cost tens of thousands of dollars. A $500,000 house priced 3% below market value amounts to $15,000! A professional appraisal will cost $300-$500, but it is better to spend a few hundred dollars than to leave tens of thousands on the table or to lose a potential buyer and be forced to make extra mortgage payments. The best way to price a house to sell is to obtain a professional appraisal.
In addition to pricing the house to sell and sleeping well at night knowing that you are not leaving money on the table, there is another huge benefit to getting a professional appraisal. Perhaps the greatest benefit to obtaining a professional appraisal is that you can show it to every potential buyer who dusts their shoes on your welcome mat. Each and every potential buyer will be able to review the actual appraised value arrived at by a professional appraiser. This will give your buyer an assurance that he or she is not paying too much for the house. Paying too much for a house is every buyer's primary concern. A professional appraisal will also give your deal a better chance of making it to closing. A lot of deals fall apart prior to closing because of "buyer's remorse," a condition that often stems from second thoughts about the purchase price.
Do not forget about seller's closing costs.
There are costs involved in selling a property. Some of these costs include: fees associated with repaying the seller's mortgage and clearing liens on the property, transfer taxes, documentary stamps, title insurance, courier fee, credit to the buyer for unpaid real estate taxes, attorney's fees (if you choose to use an attorney), condo/co-op move out fee, association transfer fees, upside down loans (you owe more than you will receive in proceeds at closing), document preparation, mortgage prepayment penalty, escrow fee, home warranty premium (if buyer insists on having one), and certificate of zoning compliance. If you had used a real estate agent, that agent would provide a break down of seller settlement costs. If you sell the home yourself, you will have to estimate the costs yourself.
Street signage.
If there is a busy cross street at the end of your street, talk to your neighbor about permission to put a sign in their yard pointing to your home.
Sell in spring if you can.
Spring is the optimal time to sell your home. If you can list your home in the spring, you will have a better chance of selling quickly as well as selling at a better price.
Do not be offended by lowball offers.
When buyers see a house that is for sale by owner, they will think that they can get a steal on the home. Expect lowball offers, and do not be offended when they come. Do not forget that lowball offers often turn into sales at reasonable prices. When I sold my second home, the buyer had originally presented a lowball offer. My home was listed for $459,000, but the original offer was for $425,000. Months after the original lowball offer, the same person appeared somewhat out of the blue, and we eventually agreed on a sales price of $450,000. Basing your selling price on a professional appraisal will ward off a lot of lowball offers. It also helps to make your counter offer because you can point out that any counter offer you make is below market value.
Simple negotiation tip.
Virtually every buyer is going to expect you to come down on your asking price. Let's pretend that your home is listed for $400,000. Just between you and me, let's say that you are willing to take $390,000. If a buyer makes an offer of $390,000, consider the following counter negotiation strategy. Explain to the buyer that dropping the price by $10,000 only drops the monthly payment by approximately $60 dollars per month (at around 6% interest). That's not much. Instead, offer to give the buyer $7,500 CASH at closing to use on home improvements, decorating or to apply to the first 3 mortgage payments. At a rate of $60 per month, the buyer would have to own the home for TEN years to get the actual financial benefit of handing them $7,500 CASH.
The beauty of this negotiation tip is that it's a great way to get a buyer excited, and it allows you to pocket $2,500 over what you wanted to get for the house. If you have asked a lot of questions, you will already know what the buyer doesn't like about the house. If your house does not have a fence, for example, you could use that as a negotiation strategy. Instead of dropping the price by $10,000, offer to give the buyer $7,500 cash at closing to spend on adding a fence to the property. Negotiations are all about finding out what is important to the buyer and making a counter offer that will get your buyer EXCITED!
Encourage prospective buyers to get pre-approved.
Explain to prospective buyers that sellers take offers more seriously when the buyer is pre-approved because the seller has a reasonable degree of surety that the deal will go through. Help the prospective buyer understand that if a seller gets two offers -- one from a buyer who is pre-approved and one from a buyer who is pre-qualified -- the seller is much more likely to accept the offer from the pre-approved buyer. You simply never know who is going to buy your house. You might offer this piece of advice to a couple who is waiting for their own house to sell before making an offer. If you give them this friendly advice and they go through the pre-approval process, it could speed things up if they wind up wanting to purchase your home.
Keep a list of people who have looked at your home.
Fifty to eighty percent of FSBOs wind up listing with real estate agents. If you wind up listing your home with a real estate agent, you will need a list of prospective buyers who looked at the property prior to the listing date so that they will be exempted from your contract with your real estate agent.
Consider relocating your pets while your home is on the market.
Pet owners do not like to hear this, but pets scare off a lot of potential buyers. A lot of people are uncomfortable with pets, some buyers are allergic, and a few are actually terrified of animals. At a minimum, keep pets and pet toys out of sight during showings. If possible, arrange for your pet to stay with a friend or relative while your home is on the market.
Copyright © 2007 Wade Young.
Pet Supplies - Celebrity Pets - Pet Supplies for the Rich and Famous by down rose
Finding pet supplies at affordable prices has never been easier. Our furry pet friends have also benefited from this revolution. Pet supplies have grown dramatically due to the Internet.
How many pets do you have? There are no true numbers for pets per household. Most households today have more than one pet. Pet supplies have been reported to be a $41 billion dollar business.
Your pet supplies will be delivered to your front door within days. • Pet Cell: this is a new product for 2008. This awesome pet GPS product has all the features of other tracking systems. Allows your pet to enjoy the breeze safely. Very useful product.
Portable dog walker treadmill: Great product for the city dwellers again. • Heated pet beds: this pet supply is not that crazy. Pet supplies have become a market all its own. Pets have never had is so good.
Life is good for most celebrity’s pets. It seems to be a fad these days to flaunt your pet in public if you’re a celebrity. Reese Witherspoon’s dog Bruiser in the movie went everywhere with her. Not only did movies influence this trend, but so did the real life celebrities. Most people think this is crazy, but more and more celebrities join the tabloids with their pets.
Celebrities buy all kinds of bling for there pets. Not only are the Louis Vuitton purses a fashion craze, but the Louis Vuitton dog carriers became a hot item in Hollywood due to pop stars. Does your dog really need custom pet apparel? I wonder what his pet supply budget is!
Celebrities such as the Osbournes took on reality television on MTV and their pets became stars as well. People that watched the show knew the pets by name. The Osbourne dogs definitely wore some fancy bling and lavish pet attire. Sharon! Have you seen the %@!%&* pet supplies!
One of the most popular things right now to do with your pooch, is to get dog training from Cesar Milan “The Dog Whisperer”. Oprah only buys her dogs’ designer collars such as the Burberry collar she bought for Sophie.
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Kamis, 05 November 2009
Pet Accessories For Pet Travel
By Ken Geers
There are a number of reasons why people purchase SUV accessories. For many, these accessories are purchased for cosmetics reasons. That is, they are purchased to improve the look of the SUV. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this at all. After all, who would not want their SUV to look good? Then, there are those who purchase accessories for functional purposes such as a hitch mount cargo carrier. Now, if you were to ask the average person what else is included under the category of function, there is one category most people do not think of. That category is "pet safety" accessories.
While some may scoff at the notion of maintaining a dog's safety while driving, this is not a category that is unserious. If a driver is transporting a pet, the driver has the responsibility to maintain the safety of the pet. This is not only a matter of being a responsible pet owner. It is a matter of being a safe driver. If a pet is not properly contained then it can represent a hazard to the owner and other drivers on the road. SUV accessories for pets are far from vanity items. They are critical to maintaining driving safety.
Specifically, there are a number of pet guards, nets, and barriers that can be installed in the cargo area of a SUV. These guards generally restrict a dog's movements to the cargo area and keep it from distracting the driver. This greatly helps to avoid any mishaps while allowing the dog the ability to move about freely in the rear area. The latter aspect of these SUV accessories is one of the best aspects to these guards. They do not restrict the dog in any inhumane manner. No, there is no reason to strap a dog down and make it restrictively uncomfortable. These pet guards maintain both the safety and comfort of the animal. That is a tough combo to top!
Pet guards are not the only SUV accessories that can be employed to avoid any problems transporting you dog. There is also the "pet hammock" which can be affixed to the rear seating of the SUV. As its name would imply, a pet hammock is the same thing as a "human" hammock. Dogs safely rest in the hammock while the SUV is moving. Of course, the pet hammock also comes with safety features that restrict the dog's movement to maintain safety. So, yes, a pet hammock eliminates any dangers or distractions the dog might cause. If, however, you wish to play it safer there is also the option of using a pet stowaway accessory. This is a variant on the classic pet carriage but it is designed in a much, more comfortable manner. Yet, despite the elevated comfort of the pet stowaway, safety is never compromised.
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